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How To Become More Positive Today

[caption id="attachment_827054" align="alignleft" width="1068"] Bigstockphoto.com/A beautiful African American adult woman smiling. isolated on white with room for your text.[/caption] It’s pretty incredible the way your life can change when you start being more positive. Think about it: aren’t some of your favorite people the most positive people you know? It’s hard not to be drawn to them—they give you hope, they inspire you, they make you feel like everything will be okay, and they somehow always see the silver lining in any situation. It feels good to be around them. Naturally, people want to date, befriend and work with positive individuals. Your sarcasm may be wonderfully witty but at the end of the day, sarcastic people are rarely the movers and shakers of this world. It’s hard to feel motivated to do things when your head is full of negative thoughts; it’s a lot easier to accomplish things when your head is full of positive ones! If you’re ready to make the change, here’s how to be more positive, today. [caption id="attachment_717971" align="alignleft" width="420"] Image Source: Shutterstock[/caption]

Save inspiring stories/images/messages

If you read a story, see an image or receive a message that instantly uplifts you, keep it! Have an entire drawer in your desk dedicated to these items and open it anytime you feel negativity creeping in.       [caption id="attachment_710417" align="alignleft" width="420"] Shutterstock[/caption]

Always read memoirs

I can promise you nobody achieved greatness without great adversity. It’s easy to think, “Because I’m struggling, I’ll never make it” but if you read memoirs of great people, you’ll see how much they struggled, and then you’ll actually find drive and energy within your own struggle.       [caption id="attachment_704636" align="alignleft" width="420"] Image Source: Shutterstock[/caption]

Make time for good friends

Your time is better spent around friends who tell you how great you are, who make you laugh, and who remind you what matters in life than it is spent banging your head again your desk late at night, forcing yourself to finish a task when you feel negative.         [caption id="attachment_611719" align="alignleft" width="406"] Shutterstock[/caption]

Don’t hang out with negative people

This one should be obvious, but in case it wasn’t, don’t hang out with negative people! Their energy and the things they say is quite infectious and you can’t afford to be around it.         [caption id="attachment_706973" align="alignleft" width="420"] Image Source: Shutterstock[/caption]

Take fish oil

If you aren’t already taking fish oil then it’s time to start. This stuff is like a natural turbo charge for your brain; it helps you focus, it gives your brain energy, and it helps you feel positive.           [caption id="attachment_703400" align="alignleft" width="420"] Image Source: Shutterstock[/caption]

Eat food that sustains your energy

It’s difficult to stay positive when you’re going through a blood sugar crash—those can feel similar to depression and negativity. Avoid blood sugar crashes by eating wholesome, nutrient-dense food throughout the day.       [caption id="attachment_711254" align="alignleft" width="420"] Image Source: Shutterstock[/caption]

Start your day with a gratitude list

Some say that happiness correlates directly to how grateful you are for the things you have. So start your day with a list of things for which you’re grateful.           [caption id="attachment_622021" align="alignleft" width="500"] Image Source: Shutterstock[/caption]

Make goals and timelines

You accomplish things all of the time, but you don’t realize it because you didn’t set a goal to do so. A large part of our positivity comes from knowing that we are working towards a goal and we are on track. So set goals, and make timelines.   [caption id="attachment_613151" align="alignleft" width="442"] Corbis[/caption]

Fight every bad thought with a good one

When a negative thought pops into your head, force yourself to combat it with a positive one. You’ll be amazed how there is almost always a positive thought to be had instead.       [caption id="attachment_609486" align="alignleft" width="500"] Image Source: Shutterstock[/caption]

Be in touch with someone in need

If you volunteer somewhere, spend an hour of your day working at a suicide prevention hotline, or simply visit an elderly person who is lonely, you’ll feel pretty ridiculous for being negative about your life. [caption id="attachment_715126" align="alignleft" width="420"] Image Source: Shutterstock[/caption]

Be around animals

Animals don’t know that taxes are due soon, and they don’t have visions of grandeur—dreams of being a CEO or celebrity. And yet, they’re really happy! If they can have some fresh air, room to run around, and affection, they’re as happy as could be. We could all take a page out of their book.         [caption id="attachment_697899" align="alignleft" width="420"] Image Source: Shutterstock[/caption]

Talk about bad feelings, but don’t dwell on them

There is a difference between spreading negativity and admitting that you are struggling with some negative emotions, so people can help you dispel them. It can actually be quite helpful to just talk to somebody in a similar position as yourself, and find out that your feelings are normal. Suddenly…they may go away.     [caption id="attachment_712871" align="alignleft" width="420"] Image Source: Shutterstock[/caption]

Make your bed every day

This one may seem small and silly, but something about seeing your bed made really makes you feel like you have your life together. Just try it.             [caption id="attachment_619730" align="alignleft" width="500"] Image Source: Shutterstock[/caption]

Slow down

If you rush through everything—answering emails, having lunch, going for a jog—you can create the illusion that you’re running behind, and that doesn’t make you feel very positive.     [caption id="attachment_706470" align="alignleft" width="420"] Image Source: Shutterstock[/caption]

Look at the big picture

When a problem arises, ask yourself, “Will this problem affect me in a year? How about in ten years?” The answer is almost always no.             [caption id="attachment_699584" align="alignleft" width="420"] Image Source: Shutterstock[/caption]

Remember the only real threat is death, not failure

Ask yourself what the worst thing is that could happen if you go after something you want. The real answer, really, is usually rejection or failure. But rejection and failure do not kill you—they are negative feelings that evaporate. If it won’t literally kill you, then go for it. The more you face rejection and see that it doesn’t kill you, the less you’ll be afraid of it.   [caption id="attachment_703757" align="alignleft" width="420"] Image Source: Shutterstock[/caption]

Play happy music and watch comedies

It’s so simple; having negative, serious and daunting stimuli around you makes you feel negative, serious and daunting, and having happy, uplifting stimuli around you makes you feel happy and uplifted. So enough with the crime recreation shows.         [caption id="attachment_616018" align="alignleft" width="420"]business woman tablet suit and tie Shutterstock[/caption]

See critiques as a chance to improve

If someone criticizes something you’ve done, instead of being hard on yourself, see that as a gift—they’ve shown you how you can improve. Of course, take all criticism with a grain of salt and ask yourself if it really resonates with you.       [caption id="attachment_702361" align="alignleft" width="420"] Image Source: Shutterstock[/caption]

Know that nothing is personal

If someone is mean just for the sake of being mean, remember that it’s never about you and it’s always about them. When people spew negativity into the world it’s because they feel negative on the inside. Really, you should feel sorry for them.         [caption id="attachment_702372" align="alignleft" width="420"] Image Source: Shutterstock[/caption]

Focus on the task at hand

A lot of negative feelings come from the fact that we focus on all of the things we want to accomplish in a year, in five years, in ten years…of course we’ll feel overwhelmed then! Just focus on today’s tasks, and how you can do a great job at those.

The post How To Become More Positive Today appeared first on MadameNoire.

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